
Abstract: Existing methods of haptic feedback for virtual fluids are challenging to scale, lack durability for long-term rough use, and fail to fully capture the expressive haptic qualities of fluids. To overcome these limitations, we present Vibr-eau, a physical system designed to emulate the sensation of virtual fluids in vessels using vibrotactile actuators. Vibr-eau uses spatial and temporal vibrotactile feedback to create realistic haptic sensations within a 3D-printed vessel. When the users are in the virtual environment and interact with the physical vessel, vibration impulses are triggered and the user will feel like there is fluid in the vessel. We explore the impact of motor density, direct touch, and vibration strength on users’ perception of virtual fluid sensations. User studies reveal that Vibr-eau effectively simulates dynamic weight shifts and fluid-like sensations, with participants reporting experiences closely resembling real-world interactions with fluids. Our findings contribute to the development of adaptable and scalable haptic applications for virtual fluids, providing insights into optimizing parameters for realistic and perceptually faithful simulated fluid experiences in VR environments.

* Collaborative VR project with Metero Studio, Arizona State University Collaborated with : Frank (Wen-chen) Liu, Ryan Wirjadi, Robert LiKamWa

paper submission to ACM ISS



